The path is the destination

In 2018, I walked a small section of the Camino de Santiago with a group of friends. The motto of pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela is ‘the road is the destination’. I have been thinking about this motto over and over again these days. What could be more important than every step we take in life – towards success or error – every hour of each day that we dedicate to just thinking, reflecting, discussing with friends, feeling our emotions or making our own decisions? That week, walking to Santiago, time was suspended: I decided on the first day to leave Outlook behind and, apart from the six photos I took, my mobile phone was only used to send a daily message to my parents to say I was alive and to hear from my son. Never before had the days been so long, never before had there been so much time to be. May the destiny of all of us be this marvellous path that has been placed before us, this capacity to understand, to evolve, to touch others, to bring happiness, courage, to give ourselves and to love, this indescribable capacity to feel and to live!

Life gives us everything we need, beauty, feeling, understanding, and yet we are always searching; when the answers are all here… they are out there, like the stones, the branches, the flowers and other treasures we find on the path we walk every day. We just have to give ourselves time to listen, to understand ourselves and to discover, a little each day, who we are and where we’re going next.
Let us walk, my friends!

