
Child rights take into account the comprehensive needs of children and the conditions required to ensure that they grow up in a healthy manner and have the opportunities they will need to go own and live a fulfilling adult life. Therefore, fulfilling children’s rights means ensuring they have the necessary opportunities to develop and thrive to the extent of their potential. Respecting children’s rights in the health care setting or adopting a child-friendly health care approach means that child rights principles and evidence on the situation and experience of children are used in a systematic manner to inform, develop and improve the care delivered to children. Health care services should be based on child rights because it is an obligation of all countries that have ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and of all stakeholders in a given country; and because it contributes to improving quality of care and children’s experiences of health care. This section includes guidance, discussion papers, tools and other practical information on the importance of using child rights as a framework to improve health care and how to apply it in practice.
