Cultivons l’Empathie is live

This project is born out of a long-term personal dream to make this world a better place for all. It reflects the many experiences I have accumulated working in countries around the globe and supporting different organisations and professionals working for or with children. Importantly, this project also reflects who I have become as a woman. I believe we are the sum of all our parts and experiences and, through this project, I want to give you the whole of me: child rights expert, woman and humanist. I want this project, prepared with so much passion and care, to reflect me as I am, wholly.  

We live in a world that is in desperate need of empathy, love and peace. We live in a society that needs to come together for the sake of social justice. For almost two decades, I have been working to defend children’s rights at international level, I have seen the challenges, but also the potential and good in people. This project was born in Strasbourg, France, out of a desire to create a better world for children to live and thrive in, but also a wish to help professionals become a better version of themselves, for children, but also for themselves. I have called this project Cultivons l’Empathie – for I wish us all to go beyond ourselves, to be able to look at our attitudes towards children and other adults, to question the system and to start imagining and finally creating a better society for us all. 

Over the years I have supported municipalities, governments, international organisations and other entities to improve the quality of services and the realisation of child rights in various life contexts. I have had the privilege of working across the system and at every stage of the planning and implementation cycle. Over time I have come to realise the importance of quality and planning for improving existing services and empowering professionals; and today I know that only a system that thinks and acts together can lead to effective change and ultimately the realisation of children’s rights. We need to go further, and if the system is not yet ready to move forward coherently as one, then let’s start step by step, but let’s dare. Let’s dare to try to realise the vision of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, let’s dare to dream that all children, regardless of where they were born, who their parents are, what language they speak or what their individual personality and needs are, will truly have the opportunity to reach their human potential. Let’s dare to imagine that we can create societies that just, compassionate, welcoming of difference, prosperous and egalitarian. Let’s dare to create a better world.

Like the tiny hummingbird that represents this space, I too want to make my contribution. I want to continue supporting institutions in the preparation of strategies, action plans, evaluation tools or other institutional initiatives. I want to enhance the training of professionals who work directly with children, by disseminating books, themed courses and other resources. But, above all, I dream that this space can inspire, challenge and serve as an incubator for ideas and, perhaps, a movement to fight for a different world.

In this space you will find:

  • Discussion articles, where I will present my thoughts and ideas about how I see the world and how we can improve it;
  • Practical knowledge, tools and other resources about child rights and how they can be translated in practice in health, education, local governance and other settings;
  • Online seminars and courses for professionals and students;
  • Books;
  • News and other information of interest. 

I hope you enjoy it, that it may be useful to your work and serve as inspiration.

See you around,
